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We believe that Jesus Christ came to reveal the fullness of God's love for us, and we continue to celebrate that love through praise, sacraments, service, and community. |
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- News & Events
Stay Informed! We would like to make everyone aware of an important issue coming up on the ballot in November, namely Amendment 79 – Right to Abortion. If Amendment 79 passes (with 55% of the vote) it would cement abortion up until birth in our state constitution. What it would mean: 1) No limits on when a baby can be aborted 2) No parental consent required for minors. 3) No prohibitions on using taxpayer funds for abortion A “Yes” vote supports creating a right to abortion in the state constitution A “No” vote opposes creating a right to abortion in the state constitution There will be an informational zoom meeting on the issue here at St. Mary in the hall on Thursday Oct. 3 at 7:00 Annual Liturgical Minister Training Altar Servers - Monday, October 7, 6:30 pm in the Church Communion Ministers - Wednesday, October 16, 6:30 pm in the Church Lectors - Monday, October 21, 6:30 pm in the Church Ushers/Hospitality - Monday, October 21, 6:30 pm in the Church Formacion Anual De Ministros Liturgicos Servidores - Lunes, Octubre 7, 6:30 pm en la Iglesia Ministros de Comunion - Miercoles, Octubre 16, 7:30 pm en la Iglesia Lectores - Lunes, Octubre 21, 7:30 pm en la Iglesia Hospitaudad - Lunes, Octubre 28, 7:30 pm en la Iglesia Sacramental Class times and dates are as follows: Regular Classes are as follows: Adult Sacramental Classes—Every Tuesday at 6:30pm 2nd year Confirmation Class—Every other Tuesday, next class will be on September 24th 1st year Confirmation—Every Monday at 6:30 First Communion Class—Every first Tuesday of the month starting on October 1st Las clases regulares son las siguientes: Clases sacramentales para adultos: todos los martes a las 6:30 p. m. Clase de confirmación del segundo año: cada dos martes, la próxima clase será el 24 de septiembre. Confirmación del 1er año: todos los lunes a las 6:30 Clase de Primera Comunión: cada primer martes del mes a partir del 1 de octubre. Would you like to help our Parishioners in need, those who cannot make it to Church for Mass? We are in need of 2 or more volunteers to Live Stream the Mass, on Sundays at the 9am Mass. If we have 2 or more volunteers, there’s a good chance that you would only have to Live Stream once a month. Please contact Clay Patterson if you are interested., 970-901-6982 or 970-249-3319 Ex 18. ¡ATENCIÓN! Algunos feligreses han estado recibiendo mensajes de texto a nombre del Padre Mateo pidiendo tarjetas de regalo. ¡Esto es una estafa! Nunca pediremos dinero o tarjetas de regalo por mensaje de texto o correo electrónico. ¡Por favor, no respondas a estos mensajes! Gracias. ATTENTION! Some parishioners have been receiving text messages in the name of Fr. Matthew asking for gift cards. These are scams! We will never ask for money or gift cards by text or email. Please don't reply to these messages! Thank you. If you have any questions about Baptisms or Baptisms classes, please contact Erika Diaz at 970-249-3319 Ex 14 or at [email protected]. Learn More About The Mass For access to your own copy of the same booklet that is in the pews, please… Go to: www.diopueblo.org Click on: Eucharistic Revival Click on: Events & Resources Click on: Resources Click on: Meeting Jesus in the Mass Más Información Sobre La Misa Para acceder a su propia copia del mismo folleto que está en los bancos, por favor... Busque: www.diopueblo.org Haz clic: Eucharistic Revival Haz clic: Events & Resources Haz clic: Resources Haz clic: Encontrando a Jesús en la Misa Do you have questions about how to start planning for your funeral or afraid that your family won’t follow your wishes? There is a Catholic Planning Guide available to you, either Google: Catholic Planning Guide and click on it, under where you see a 4LPI Icon or pick one up in our brochure display on the wall. - Fr. Matthew did an interview with Drew Loewen (a parishioner at St. Mary's). You can view it on YouTube by clicking here. Ascension Press is publishing the "Catechism in a Year" podcast w/ Fr. Mike Schmitz. To sign up, visit their website here. - To access our Formed.org account, visit Formed.org and click "sign up as a parishioner". Search for our parish, and enjoy countless Catholic shows and programs! |
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