About Us/Acerca de Nosotros
We believe that Jesus Christ came to reveal the fullness of God's love for us, and we continue to celebrate that love through praise, sacraments, service, and community. Learn More/Aprender Mas |
Get Involved/Involucatre
Our church offers a wide range of ministry opportunities. Whether you'd like to learn more, pray more, or serve more, we have a ministry for you. Learn More / Aprender Mas |
Support Us/Apoyanos
Making an offering of our financial resources is an integral part of what it means to be a Christian. We have a variety ways to make it easy for your to support our church. Learn More / Aprender Mas |
News & Events / Noticias y Eventos
Pope John Paul II Academy is having their Annual Gala. If you would like to purchase tickets please click on the picture above.
Baptisms/Bautizos If you have any questions about Baptisms or Baptisms classes, please contact Erika Diaz at 970-249-3319 Ex 14 or at [email protected]. Formed brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals.
Formed is free to all the parishioners. To sign up follow the instructions below: 1. Click on Formed above 2. Enter your email address 3. Search for St Mary Church, Montrose, CO Formed ofrece contenido católico hermoso y fiel a parroquias, familias e individuos. Formed es gratuito para todos los feligreses. Para registrarte sigue las instrucciones a continuación: 1. Haga clic en Formed arriba 2. Ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico 3. Busque la iglesia de Santa María, Montrose, CO |
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Pro Life Corner / Rincon Pro VidaATTENCION!¡ATENCIÓN!
Algunos feligreses han estado recibiendo mensajes de texto a nombre del Padre Mateo pidiendo tarjetas de regalo. ¡Esto es una estafa! Nunca pediremos dinero o tarjetas de regalo por mensaje de texto o correo electrónico. ¡Por favor, no respondas a estos mensajes! Gracias. ATTENTION! Some parishioners have been receiving text messages in the name of Fr. Matthew asking for gift cards. These are scams! We will never ask for money or gift cards by text or email. Please don't reply to these messages! Thank you. |